
Thursday, December 4, 2008

Have I really not posted in over two weeks? Man, I lose at this blogging business....

I've had a lack of anything substantive to say, I think, and no energy to come up with something silly or clever.

I had a wonderfully quiet Thanksgiving. Boyfriend and I cooked for ourselves (roast chicken with potatoes in the pan, stuffing, veggies (Brussels sprouts cooked with bacon!), rolls) and did a lot of "social reading." That's when you're together or cuddling or something, but everyone's got a book.

Apparently what I missed by skipping out on my grandmother's gathering was the opportunity to see my cousin's 2 year-old daughter stand up on a chair and belt out songs at the top of her lungs! I'm awfully sad that I missed that.

As soon as I have more than 3 spare minutes, I'll post properly. I still haven't written about Obama's win.....

Meanwhile, it's my b-day! Shameless self promotion!!


Maggie Jochild said...


I am so frickin' glad you got born. We are all better off for your arrival.

Love you to bits, I do.

Anonymous said...

Come over anytime and she'll put on a show. Her brother will, too. They even do air guitar.

kat said...

Thanks Maggie. You rock in a serious way.

Berzerk, I can't wait to see air guitar. A couple of kids today were yelling the song "I love rock and roll" which was hysterical since they're 5.

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