Mo's My Homie

Friday, March 27, 2009

And now for some non-ranting. I know it's a strange thing on this blog, but I thought I'd surprise you....

I'm totally digging Mo Willems at the mo. Sorry....couldn't resist.

I first encountered his book Knuffle Bunny, a Cautionary Tale in about 2006, and have since been really enjoying reading his books to all the little beasties in my life.

A couple of weeks ago, the head teacher in my class was absent, so I got to lead circle time. It's always lots of fun, but particularly so when you get to read a book called Leonardo, the Terrible Monster (except that it was in French, so it was really Léonardo, le monstre épouvantable (in French you only capitalize the first letter of the first word of a title). I loved it even more than my class did, I think!

The plot is that Leonardo is a terrible monster. Terrible at BEING a monster. Cuteness ensues, and it's not entirely dissimilar to Lamont the Lonely Monster, which was a favorite of mine when I was a child.

It's also a wonderful little collision of monsters and children, which reminds me ever so slightly of THE.BEST.BOOK.EVER.WRITTEN.

His websites are lots of fun, too.


-m- said...

I, too, have been in love with Mo Willems for a while. Pretty much since I found Don't Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late. His gerald and piggie books are BRILLIANT. Seriously. So is You can never find a rickshaw when it rains.

kat said...

I just treated myself to the Knuffle Bunny books plus the latest: Naked Mole Rat Gets Dressed. Sooooo funny!!!

(much thanks to the federal government for the generous gift of My Money, which they held captive all year. It is most pleased for it's release and is happy to be back with me)

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